All Tenderfoot artists accept custom proposals, which can be applied for below each portfolio. These go through an approval process, before receiving a calendar of dates.
Many artists offer pre-drawn flash designs available for instant booking, bypassing the proposal process and usually offering much quicker appointments.
Follow the IG for general updates, and sign up for the mailing list for notifications when artists open their books.
We are now offering a special Express Booking.
If the artist’s books are closed during the timeframe you are visiting NYC, or you have a tight window of time - you may have the option to bypass the process and skip ahead.
Please visit the Express Booking page for details.
Each artist’s rate is unique - details can be found under each artists’ name on the Artists page.
Artists practice different styles of tattooing, some of which are faster than others. Years of experience can also play a big factor in speed.
To calculate a rough estimate, view your artist’s hourly rate at their page above, and then visit How Long Does a Tattoo Take to create a ballpark figure.
Cash/Debit Discount: cash or debit card are the preferred payment methods and have a $50/hr discount, as a thanks (price reflected on rates)
All artists can either accept cash tips directly, or through Venmo.
For examples of how long certain pieces take, check out this page!
It’s an honor to receive clients traveling from all over the world! In order to make things as smooth as possible, here are some travel suggestions.
We value the time and energy it takes to visit, and we make every effort to uphold all appointments once they are in the schedule, but in rare moments, unavoidable life events can sometimes come up.
Please book refundable or changeable flights and lodging, in the event that an artist is sick or needs to reschedule.
Travel insurance can be another possible solution if you choose not to book flexible arrangements.
Do not book your flight on the same evening of your tattoo appointment.
If you are planning to drive home or take an interstate train/bus on the day of your tattoo, discuss expected appointment time with your artist in advance. It’s important to set aside enough design and stenciling time so that we can perfect your piece exactly for your body, and prepare for the event that breaks may be needed. For larger pieces, plan for your appointment to take up to 2-3 hours longer than the tattoo itself.
If you’d like recommendations for what else to do during your trip, reach out and we can forward our map of galleries, restaurants, and fun things to see in NYC and nearby! -
The Week Before:
Stay hydrated, eat well, get lots of rest! Take care of yourself the week before getting a tattoo, the day of, and throughout the healing process.
Make sure you have checked in with your artist and given them any references prior to this, and look out for e-mails regarding mock-ups, drawings, or questions.
The Night Before:
Get a good night’s sleep, and limit alcohol consumption. Avoid coming in hungover - it will hurt more during the process and won't heal as well afterward.
The Day Of:
Make sure you eat a good breakfast/lunch, and bring some snacks. You’re always welcome to take a break to order a meal during long sessions, and we will have small snacks available for you as well!
Avoid alcohol and blood-thinning medications, and limit caffeine consumption.
You do not need to arrive early, but please be on time! Often artists are working on more than one client per day, and if you are late, it may shift the entire schedule.
Please make sure to bring your valid photo ID!
All deposits are non-refundable. With at least one week’s notice, your deposit may be used to reschedule to another date in the next round of booking (or be added to cancellation waitlist).
If you cancel your appointment, you are forfeiting your deposit.
One week prior to your appointment is your deadline to send all relevant information about your design! This includes any specific reference material, or relevant information about the placement. This will be the last chance to get any changes or details to your artist before they start working on your piece! This could be an element changing, scale or placement. Any large changes to your concept will have your proposal reassessed for approval.
One to two days before your appointment, artists will be in touch via e-mail to discuss sketch or a mock-up! Mock ups will include elements of your design, reference materials the artists intend to use, and any specific info that will be relevant for your piece (ie, texture, placement, value). Please be expecting this email - and ensure you are available for this back and forth. If you will be in a place without internet prior to appointment please make arrangements a week prior with your artist to let them know! It will be imperative to get your approval on the mock up phase so they can begin inking and finalizing your piece. At this point you can tell the artist any additional thoughts about the design and any needed tweaks can be tweaked. Once you have approved the mock up the artist will create a final drawing.
The day of your appointment will be when you see the final inked design! All edits at this time will be based on placement and scale - and ensuring it fits perfectly on you!
Of course! It's going on your body forever - we want you to be happy.
One drawing (sketch/mock-up and inked version) is included in your appointment.
Altering the size of the design is always free.
Minor changes may be accommodated at the artists’ discretion.
If the change requires more than one third of the drawing to be re-drawn after inking, or excessive revisions during the sketching/mock-up process, there will be an additional drawing fee.
It's important to thoroughly consider your design before beginning the design process!
Scars are able to be tattooed over successfully, and we are happy to do these cover-ups or adornments. Each scar has its own healing process that makes them unique in thickness and composition. Because of this, we do advise scars are more likely than non-scarred skin to require a touch-up. Touch-ups are free, but we like you to be prepared for this possibility.
Scars should be at least one year old to successfully tattoo. If you have concerns about the age of your scar, contact a dermatologist or your tattoo artist prior to scheduling.
There have historically been some misconceptions in the tattoo industry about how skin tone effects what’s possible to achieve with your tattoo.
The short answer is - these tattoos will look amazing with your skin tone!
Tenderfoot Studio’s artists are trained to work with all types of skin in full color or blackwork - which look excellent on all skin types and skin tones.
View this page for more information!
The resident artists use Eternal Ink for colors and Kuro Sumi for blacks.
Both are vegan made with plant based glycerin! As an added plus, they are far less likely than non-vegan or chemical based inks to cause an allergic reaction.
Other brands may include animal-based glycerin, animal-based dyes, or harsh chemicals and metals.
Not only are all artists’ at tenderfoot esteemed in their artistic talent, but also in their craftsmanship. They are the expert at what they do, and we recommend always receiving tattoos from the artist that created the drawing, as you will get the best results this way!
All designs you see are original designs for clients and are strictly not to be reproduced.
You can see our aftercare recommendations here!